| - Color me unimpressed. I think we might have caught them on a bad day, but first impressions are everything and I'm sorry to say we were grossly disappointed.
Selection was really limited! They had a couple cuts of beef and 3 or 4 fish selections. Plus kobe beef patties that looked like they had been sitting out for days. I've seen pictures of their case with all sorts of wild game and was excited about/expecting a lot to choose from. There was not a piece of venison, lamb, housemade sausage, kabob, etc. to be had when we stopped in @ 6pm on a Friday.
We initially went in for the king salmon but spooked when we saw the almost $50 per pound price tag. Not wanting to walk out empty handed, we got two filets of sand bass (about 0.7 lb. worth) for $20. We cooked it not less than 20-minutes later and after a couple bites, threw it all away. The texture of the fish was mushy and slimey. And, despite my boyfriend's heavy hand with seasoning, still managed to taste overwhelmingly fishy.
The shop itself is beautiful. I love their sense of humor in the design -- from the fish-shaped parking lines to the t-rex logo for provisions. I can tell a lot of love and attention to detail went into this place. BUT, if the product is two or three times the cost of competitors and doesn't blow me away every time (much less, isn't even edible... still can't believe we trashed $20 worth of fish) I just can't justify coming back.