Andy the owner of this car wash has no business dealing with customers. After spending 100.00 dollars and tipped5.00 I had 1 complaint about dog hair. So they cleaned it to make very very long story short. I got into car to go home. I no noticed my car had been running the whole time my MPG was at 22.5 when I got two car wash when I left it was at . 0.5 the AC was on full and radio was halfway up on different Channel then I noticed all the stations have been changed while driving home I noticed the windows were basically while turning onto 480 noticed loud buzzing noise coming from stereo so I automatically turned around tried to explain to manager the problems and issues I had they basically told me there was nothing they can do and it wasn't their fault finally the owner came out oh no tried to tell me I did not know how to operate my stereo because it was not was not buzzing when I got back I asked Andy if he could go on the highway with me to listen to it he told me know because he had a business to run and it was very busy at that time after arguing with this guy he threatened to call the police I told him he needs to call the police when the officer got there he told me that Andy thought I had been drinking and was drunk so I told the officer to give me a breathalyzer test right now the officer said there's no reason for that I know you're not drunk I slur my speech because I had a carotid artery cleared and I don't walk perfect either I've been on disability for over 10 years because of my back then Andy had the nerve to tell me the officer was the one that thought I was drunk who would you believe I'm going to make a long story very very short I asked for an incident report the manager came out to take my information Andy will not give me a copy of this report by this time I had started recording the whole incident Andy finally came out and I could tell he was very mad aggressively he came towards me and I stepped out of the car Andy gotten my face when the manager had to get in between us I honestly believe and he was going to punch me the next day I had a friend go in with a hidden camera is recording shows exactly how they sprayed directly and electrical components in the dash also have Andy crumpling up the report and shoving it through my window this is just my opinion but if you have a problem I suggest you do not go to Andy with it