Had so much fun tonight!!! Went with a couple girlfriends around 9. Drank and then danced those yummy empty calories away! Went with a lovely co-worker that convinced me to join in on the jersey contest...and I WON! Hundred dollars in my pocket...semi-finals are Dec. 16th if anyone in the area wants to come and support my retardedness. Diverse crowd yet again...anyone fits in here. I love it. Girls are actually nice here....it's hard to find places like that. Tempe or scottsdale...dirrrty looks all around. I don't get it. SPREAD THE LOVE PEOPLE!!!
UPDATE!!!!! I went to the semi-finals....and WON. I went to the finals...and WON!!! I got the cash instead of the PROBOWL Tickets because it didn't include the plane and hotel. O well...it was christmas money and boy it was perfect timing! I love this bar!