| - 2.5 stars. I'm a VIB Rouge at Sephora, which means I shop there a lot. So much, in fact, that a chunk of every paycheck goes to the beauty goddesses. Out of every Sephora location that I have visited, this is my least favorite. The space is so limiting that the customer experience is awful. They only carry limited product lines/limited products from the lines that they carry and rarely have 'extras' like holiday gift sets or 500 point reward boxes.
When you walk into the store, there is no entry area; you literally walk straight into a display--that's how tiny this location is. Because there is nowhere to really browse, customers are constantly running into each other or blocking an entire walkway trying to view a display. I also find the staff here not as good as other locations--usually I can't find anyone to help me because everyone working is doing makeovers on someone or, on the rare occasion that I do find someone, it is this one particularly annoying older woman from the skincare section who literally follows me around and borderline harasses me about products that I am not interested in, even when I have politely declined help.
I sound super whiny about the size of the store, but it is seriously an issue because I can't pause to view products without someone trying to squeeze by me. The biggest pain point is the fact that they don't even have a checkout counter. I already mentioned how people can't walk around the store because the aisles are full of people. This is compounded by the fact that the 'checkout register' is a pullout section of the wall and the queue line forms down an aisle where people are trying to shop. I usually wait at least 20 minutes to check out at the Shadyside Sephora.
I only go in to this location if I know exactly what I am looking for, am positive they carry it and happen to be in the neighborhood. For everything else, I order online or visit the Ross Park Mall location.