Coffee to me isn't just a drink it's a lifestyle. Regrettably, this insignificant Starbuck's inside of Macy's is the exclusive coffee house to satisfy the coffee lovers lifestyle in Downtown Summerlin
Oftentimes but not every time, I frequent Downtown Summerlin, it is after an exhausting hike in the open spaces contiguous to Las Vegas. My first stop is to walk inside of Macy's to make a beeline for the Starbuck's by the east entrance.
Frequently this Starbuck's has a line of people. It is obvious that the demand exceeds the supply. There are only a few tables that fill up and limited space to move around the diminutive room. You would think that a regional shopping destination would have an inviting cafe with a sundry and variety of seating including outdoor seating. You wouldn't think that the sole coffee house would be one of the tiniest in the City of Las Vegas. The upshot is that I usually buy the cup of coffee to go where I will savour it outside at the water feature or by the arroyo park.
When coffee is not just a drink but a lifestyle, you don't mind paying inexorbitant prices for it. This location is not off the charts highly priced like some of the Las Vegas Strip locations but it is more than the average Starbuck's owned locations. This Macy's owned Starbuck's does charge 27 cents over and above for drip coffee.
Ultimately when coffee is a lifestyle, you do things like review it on Yelp. The only discouraging thing is that the only coffee house we can currently review in Downtown Summerlin is this pocket-size Starbuck's inside the men's department of Macy's.