Think twice before servicing your car at Camelback VW!!!!
We took my girlfriend's VW to be repaired, and were treated in a timely manner. The follow-up call was made promptly the next morning as we dropped it off after hours. (End of good experience) The service rep was quite rude/short on the phone with my GF and called her "sweetie" multiple times (she is a grown ass woman in a professional field). Then he rattled off the repairs to fast to understand, and was vague on explaining the repair detail. The grand total was $3400!!!! To which my GF replied that she would need to asses her finances and check with me about the necessity of what she was told needed to be done. To this he explained that she should call the insurance company and say "I ran over something and now it's making noises". Pretty sure that is insurance fraud. Needless to say we got our car out of there and went to a trusted shop- Kelly Clark (should've started there). Total repair is less than $900. Yup. Almost 1/4 the cost. Ohhhh. They did give me a football at the VW service that's nice.