Bless the beast and Beer Geeks! Love this place... The only thing that will keep me from going back are the irresistible hand cut fries. Emphasis on irresistible. I'll tell myself I'm gonna order a salad, a chocolate stout and be done. Emphasis on "tell myself." Then of course, yes I will order a side salad with hand cut fries, bread pudding to go....
The beers - absolutely awesome. So I'm thinking Jason (our waiter) might be the Head Beer Geek (HBG) in charge? So the HBG described the beers, flavors, subtleties, brewing process and so on. He tells us where our food comes from. We were excited just listening, ready to eat his words. We were not disappointed from the first bite to last!
Hand crafted beer, hand cut fries, wonderful staff... what's not to love? I think this is my first 5 star rating! Woohoo!
The ultimate question is will I go back. YES!!!!
Be Peace!