My husband saw this restaurant pop up on yelp and we decided to give it a try. After taking a look at the menu, we saw many tasty-sounding things that we wanted to try! I had my heart set on the Orange Roughy Salad and he wanted to try the Orange Roughy/Red Snapper combo platter. When we walked in, we were immediately greeted by smiling faces and welcoming staff. The gentleman at the register answered all our questions about what the fish is grilled with and what were in the different seasonings/sauces you can choose. I still had my heart set on the Orange Roughy, but I was told that they had "run out" of Orange Roughy. I was mortified. This was literally the only thing I wanted to try today but they were all out. I don't understand how a brand new restaurant that just opened doesn't even have something that is offered on their menu. Since my husband also wanted Orange Roughy, he couldn't order either. We were both very disappointed to say the very least. We drove across town for nothing. 1 star for not even being able to try the restaurant since they didn't have what we wanted, so we just walked out leaving hungry and disappointed. We want to try the restaurant still, but will probably call to make sure they have the fish we want before coming. Kinda inconvenient.