This place must be the devil's personal joke on the world.
After just moving to AZ, i stopped here my 2nd night in town for a quick meal... about 30 min after eating, i felt sick and dizzy. Yep - food poisoning. That made calling out of work a great first impression. Thus beginning my hatred for this place.
2nd time I decided to roll the dice of fate on this hell hole... I was impatient with options as i was hungover and just needed something to eat. How could things get ANY worse? right? :)
I pull up and ordered and they tell me theyre out of fries and ask if i would mind waiting in front. - Sure, No problem.
15min later and seeing a few orders brought out and the entire drive through line clear... I decide to muster up the energy to take action.
I grabbed my receipt and walk inside to politely ask them for my entire order.... I wasnt here to make a fuss, being so hungover - being alive was a challenge enough.
They put a bag of food together and tell me to have a nice day.
I look at them - they look at me - I ask "can i have the REST of my food too please?"
As they forgot half my order and asked me to wait again.
While they were polite about everything - which i appreciate - I dont think this place could EVER get an order right.
The Health Department should take a visit to this place - do the public a service - and shut this place down.
Why would i leave a review for McDonalds? How BAD could an experience be FOR YOU TO LEAVE A REVIEW FOR A MCDONDLDs........ LOL.
All that is pure evil and misguided souls must be working here. Some sick twisted joke dedicated to giving people food poisoning and nothing they ordered. I imagine the clown from IT masquerading as Ronald McDonald here just to ruin everyone's day. Don't forget to take your receipt so you know what you ordered isnt whats in the bag.