I lived in the US for years... and I LOVE Target... I was so happy when I heard they were opening stores in Canada. Even though the prices were higher I enjoyed shopping there ~ BUT... I filled a prescription at their pharmacy and was shocked that they charged me $50 plus more then I pay at my normal pharmacy. I asked why... and the pharmacist told me that is the price, it's always been that price. I told him that I normally pay $27 for it ~ and he told me I was wrong ~ like I don't know what I've paid for years now. I asked... Is this a change in the price... or maybe I usually get the generic brand? He again tells me I'm wrong... That there is not a generic brand available. Bull. Not happy ~ Def will tell everyone I know about this... Your pharmacist should be someone you trust ~ not a liar or scam artist. Nasty Pharmacy.