| - You get what you pay for.
Every Planet Fitness needs to be evaluated individually, since their management and their amenities can vary substantially. Still, I would only recommend this place if money is extremely tight. It may seem like a bargain, but the limitations of this place would severely hinder anyone who's serious about becoming healthy.
The weight selection is very limited and would not allow the user to effectively perform the most useful, most efficient exercises for beginners to get into shape (barbell squats, deadlifts, bench presses, etc.) They do have a Smith machine, but this is a poor substitute that vastly less effective and that forces one's joints to move in unhealthy ways.
To their credit, while most of the machines that they have are very limited in their effectiveness, they do have a few cable machines, which are better than non-cable devices in helping to build general strength. That's one plus that's worth mentioning.
Ultimately though, the rules and restrictions at Planet Fitness make for less effective, less time-efficient workouts. Like all PF locations, they have rules against certain highly effective exercises (e.g. deadlifts) simply because certain members might find them "intimidating" to watch. They also have the infamous "lunk alarm" -- a blaring siren that goes off if somebody is caught grunting lightly, even though this is the natural result of putting in extra-hard effort.
So yes, it may be cheap, but this is a case where cheaper isn't better.