| - Walked in a was greeted by Michael. We purchased a Groupon and needed to add an additional child and they were very helpful. Our group had 6 children, ranging from 4-12 years old, and myself.
Needed to purchase a couple extra pair of grip socks at $2.50 a pair. Seemed par for course for places like this.
Was very impressed with all there was to do there! Everything was laid out well, clean and the restaurant looked decent.
Saw Michael again and talked with him about when they opened and how they were setting themselves apart from the rest (Urban air, Extreme air...) He said his staff will always be watching your kids and will be friendly all the time.
I have been to my fair share of trampoline parks, extreme parks, Air worx, bouncy maze, you name it
kind of places. So initially I was impressed and things felt safe.
Now with the good, sadly came the bad.
There is a trampoline that leads into a foam pit. Several kids were jumping in at once, no employee in sight. A staff member from the dodgeball arena was giving me a odd look and came over to me. He said (rolling his eyes) "Only 2 kids can be in here at once!" I quickly advised my kids to get out and make sure only 2 go in at a time. No sign anywhere read those rules. Also, when anyone is running up to this trampoline to plunge into the pit, you can't see if there is someone in there already. I saw the
potential and moved on to the next activity.
While waiting in line for the extreme bungee I overheard Michael say to a staff member "be sure to check height and weight, if they don't qualify, they don't go, and if they don't like it, too bad"
My 4 year old was drawn to a large sphere like lounge chair that spins around. I put him on it and slowly started spinning him. I was quickly told to slow down and make sure that I didn't go "too fast" So we moved on to the next activity. But not before
we witnessed 2 older boys jump on the chair and spin each other fast (isn't that what it's for?) but quickly yelled at by a girl with a clipboard.
My 12 year old daughter decided to do the sky walk. Before she was able to do it though, she was required to prove she wasn't afraid of heights by going on the large slide. She did it. She's not afraid of heights. Then she was required to practice hooking and unhooking her clips that attached to her harness, since they need to unattach and reattach on each platform themselves, no employee on the sky walk assisting on the platforms. By the 4th platform my daughter felt uneasy and did not want to continue because she didn't feel safe. I spoke with Michael and he told me "she has to finish, there in no way to get her down and she cannot just go back. We tell these kids what it's like and we scare the piss out of them before they go up so this doesn't happen." He was very put out.
Then the girl with the clipboard came over and was also very put out that my daughter wanted to come down. As a parent I encouraged her to continue and not to quit, but I could see she was not having any of it. But none of this mattered, because there was LITERALLY NO WAY DOWN. No escape route, no ladder, no nothing. A boy named Diego came over to my daughter on the sky walk and tried to talk her through. Then they came up with an option to get her to the next platform and they said once she did that they could find a way to get her down. (There was still several more platforms to cross until the end) At this point Sameer, the owner, came over and explained how he designed this course "like life, you cannot quit and it gets hard, but there's no quitting."
Once they ziplined her to the next platform, Diego told her "No, you have to finish, we cannot get you down"
So they lied to her.
At this point she was terrified. When they ziplined her to the next platform, she cut her leg, ripped her pants and was bleeding. It went from bad to worse. She was crying, tired, shaking and embarrassed from all the stares and pointing.
Her footing slipped on a loop rope and she was hanging, no more energy to pull herself up. I went over to Michael and demanded they get her down. So now Michael and Sameer panicked and got a ladder to prop up against a platform to try to get her down. It was too short, so they got another ladder. She finally was able to make it up onto the platform with assistance from a couple staff members and climb down the ladder.
I was helping her take off the harness when Michael came over and aggressively started "helping" to take off her harness.
Sameer thought giving my daughter ice cream would make things better.
There is no emergency plan. What if there was a fire? So many things were done wrong here.
My daughter now has a cut on her leg, bruises on her legs and arms and ripped pants.
I spoke with Sameer and Michael before I left. Sameer seemed apologetic, Michael, not so much. Sameer and I exchanged numbers. I called to speak with him today, no return call.