Horrible advertising and customer service. They put a50% off sign in a whole section but it turns out there are so many things in that section that's not part of the sale. The sign says framed art and canvas excluding seasonal items. Apparently, the mirror hanging right next to the sign is not included because it's not a framed art or canvas but the sign doesn't say excluding mirrors. The last time I checked, mirrors are not seasonal items. Also the other item I got from that section was neither framed art nor canvas but that was on sale so how do they determine what part of that whole section is on sale? I normally don't look at prices of what I buy, if I like something I buy it but the only time this place is worth shopping at is when they are on sale because their prices are ridiculous. (A plain Christmas wreath with nothing on it but the leaves is $99).The employees are NOT friendly, they just stand there miserably and ring up your stuff like they're being inconvenienced.