The good & the bad....Jerry Lee Lewis impersonator was very good - great pianist & voice & moves are JLL all the way! The night we were there, I think the Johnny Cash character was an understudy - & he was awful!! His voice wasn't too bad in the mid range, but he could not hit the notes in the bass range...where most of Cash's songs are. It was really bad! The Elvis character had a decent voice - but his "moves" were not as good as other Elvis impersonators. The Carl Perkins impersonator had a good voice - would have liked to hear more from him. The amplification was also a problem - most of the vocals & music were distorted due to over-amplification - to the point of causing ear pain!! If you get a discounted ticket, you may have a better night than we did. Do not pay full price!! There are many other shows that are worth $90/seat - not this one!!