I HATE this carwash ! Let me start by saying that .... The reasons are as follows:
The front end guys --- please stop
Trying to up-sell everyone. If I wanted a complete car detail , I would ask for one! Don't try and sell me something I'm not asking for! I can actually read the board when I drive In - so if I want a detail , I will tell you ! Also the guys that scam you for the windshield repair! I drive a big ass truck - it is bound to get a pit or two in the windshield -'I certainly don't want to give you my insurance information so you can charge my insurance a ton of money just so you can put some epoxy in the almost non exist an pit.
Then there is Larry - what a douchbag ! He wanted to charge me for removing a small amount of dried hay from the back of my truck - I told him I would not pay for that - never have and I won't --- told him I would rather sweep it out myself - guess what ??? The idiot brought me a broom !!!
If it wasn't for the manager Tony - I would have left . He appears to be the only person who works there with actual knowledge of proper customer service skills.
Last thing- several customers witnessed this episode - all told me the same things- they hate this place , and the too pushy sales tactics