Here's a hint: Do yourself a favor and go to Mountainside a few miles away instead. It's half the price and has all the same amenities and is newer with a more modern style and newer equipment.
Lifetime is nice from the outside looking in but once you are a member it's not so great. Customer service is terrible(employees clearly don't get paid enough because the employee turnover rate is very high), the corporation is shady, and if you are a female, the personal trainers are creepy and so are all the middle aged gym goers. They have the same amount of equipment as any other gym too and if you go at busy times, nothing is ever available.
The gym is full of a bunch of middle aged Scottsdale wanna-bes trying to be someone, so if that's your scene, have at it.
Also, I don't have kids but heard they have terrible child care services and I would never trust them with my kids after the stories I have heard. Specifically, a swim teacher incident that made the news. Disgusting. P.S. Mountainside has cameras in their childcare center and screens all over the gym so you can keep on eye on your kid and make sure they are being taken care of.