| - Last night's attempt at dining at Vito's will be our last. We had previously visited Vito's on a consistent basis (initially, at least once or twice per week) for drinks, appetizers, and/or dinner at the bar. While the food is only of mediocre quality, the convenience offered by a location so close to home seemed to compensate for this factor as well as the cramped quarters at the bar and the seemingly perpetual presence of at least one or two loud, obnoxious patrons who repeatedly made their sojourns to the parking lot only to return reeking of cigarette smoke. More recently, our visits became a bit less frequent due to the increasing filth present on the bar. The last few times we visited, we entered to find only one or two patrons at the bar, but the entire rest of the bar occupied by other customers' dirty dishes that had not been cleared. While the staff would quickly clear enough space for us to sit down, the dishes would be removed, but no effort was ever made to wipe away the food that was caked to the bar. Glancing around, however, the reason for the staff's lack of attention to waiting on actual customers typically became readily apparent due to the presence of her Royal Majesty, the owner, perched in a prime booth with her entourage demanding the majority of the staff's time and efforts at the expense of the paying customers. On numerous occasions, we sat with empty glasses for 10-15 minutes while the staff chatted with and tended to the owner and her royal court.
While the convenience factor allowed us to tolerate these issues, the failure of a restaurant to remain open during its posted hours is a fatal error. We arrived to dine at Vito's last night only to be informed by the bartender that the restaurant had closed A FULL 45 MINUTES PRIOR TO THEIR POSTED TIME. Customers rely on the hours that a business states that it will be open when making plans and a failure to remain open for business until such a time presents an inconvenience significant enough that we will not burden this establishment with our patronage again. Vito's may not care about the time customers must waste driving to a different restaurant when they had planned on stopping in for a convenient meal, but I can assure them that we will not risk the aggravation of the time wasted on a Sunday evening with a long week of work looming on the horizon. Bye, bye Vito's. We won't miss you.