| - I am done with them. I am SO done with the NBC. They are a pain in the a**.
First, the maximum withdraw limit at the ATM, daily, is 500$. 500$. And they cannot do anything for you on this. No matter if you are a client for 10 years. No matter if you never had a freaking bounced cheque in your life... I needed to pay my damage deposit of 850$ in cash. Couldn't get the money that is in MY bank account. All of this is to "protect me" from ID theft. In fact, it is to protect them from having to pay too much money, should my PIN be stolen. Anyway. So I had to withdraw money from my credit card in order to withdraw the 350$ out. Obviously, they charged me another 2-3$ to withdraw money from the ATM. And couldn't do anything to refund the 2-3$, you know. You shouldn't bank with another bank. Well, if i wouldn't bank with another bank, I would have lost this place that I just LOVE, because of your banking crap.
Also, they freeze anything above 200$ for 7 business days if you deposit money or a check at the ATM. And there is nothing they can do to unfreeze it. Again, no matter if you are a good client, anything. Here are the rules, we are dumb, we just follow them. Once, I wrote myself a check to transfer money to my NBC account. The money was withdrawn from my other account like 2 days after, but the money was still frozen for another 5 business days (that means that if there is a holiday in there, it is frozen for more than another week). What are they doing with the money?
Their policies are just so strict. They won't give you anything. They were the first one to charge you 2$/month if you wanted a printed statement of your bank account. They charge you for everything and anything. When you ask for US money (at another branch), the girl gets super mad (even if there is NO ONE in the freaking branch. NO ONE!!!!), and tells you you are going to get whatever she feels like giving you. So if you ask for 300$, you are going to get 3*100$... Way to piss off people when you get to the restaurant and pay with a 100$ bill.
They have great plans (compared to the other major banks). I get unlimited transactions for 8$/month. But they are such a pain to deal with, not flexible, nothing, that I will move my stuff out of there.