In most cites, the W hotel is a place of well educated and chill people who are looking to have great conversation and relax...aka business travelers, physicians etc. Scottsdale ruined the W concept and it is trying to be an upscale club much like the Sanctuary tried to do back in 2000. That's not the vibe people expect from the W. The staff at the W are mixed. Some of the bouncers are gentlemen and professionals who appreciate educated people while the others are trashy meatheads who act elitist for no reason. It's hit or miss and you could have a very bad experience if you run into the wrong bouncer. One of the bouncers lied to us and told us our contact/manager at the W didn't exist. When we called our contact to meet us downstairs, he escorted us upstairs, bought us drinks and reprimanded that dumb 20 yo bouncer who was trying to act above his pay grade. Nonetheless, juvenile tactics like that should be held at Martini Ranch not the W. This is supposed to be a classy place.
On a positive note, the waitresses upstairs are very nice and not fake. They are beautiful but friendly and didn't have unnecessary attitude.