| - So you mention Chipotle to you're friends and all they seem to remember is that Jack In The Box add when Jack can't pronounce the word of the wonderful sauce that he put in hamburger form, "Chip-A-Top-LEY? Chip-Poodle? Chi-POT-olee?" is what they seem to mouth off at every instance. EITHER way you say it, Chipotle stands for "FU*KING AMAZING" (sans hepatitis). I am from San Diego, and we have about 6+ last time I checked. I chose to review the one in Phoenix because it was out of the norm of doing it in San Diego (and I'm cool like that). THIS REVIEW GOES TO ALL THE CHIPOTLES THAT EXIST, NEVER A BAD ONE THAT YOU CAN GO TO. First of all, Chipotle is NOT a Mexican Food joint, BUUUUT, it is an AWESOME-food-joint. Chipotle is, how I describe it - "THE SUBWAY OF BURRITOS" - its McDonald's way of getting you to come it and, "Eat Fresh" - take THAT, Jared! I go to School in New Mexico and this state doesn't have one, they suck, they're lame, and New Mexico doesn't know what it is missing! Recommendation: I always get the Vegi-Burrito Fajita Style (adding bell-pepper and onions) and go half-corn salsa half-tomato salsa...then the wonderful people behind the counter stuff it full of LOVE and GREATNESS!! Best burrito you will ever not-finish. I HEART CHIPOTLE and no matter what, I will never STOP going! Try their Chips and Guacamole (their guacamole is FAN-TAB-U-LOUS) and another little secret: IF you're in San Diego, if you show them a College ID, your drink is FREE - not so in Phoenix, damn you Arizonians (Arizon-inites? Arizo-inians? ... whatever).