Chose this spot to host a brunch with girlfriends. The spot is situated in Mississauga so it was a great spot for all of us to commute to easily.
The manager made me feel very comfortable and let me know that he would take care of any needs I had. I forget his name but he was very nice.
Our servers were very helpful as well, constantly checking on us and seeing if we're okay.
The place itself was nothing to write home about but it served it purpose as a bar/pub type style resto.
The food was good in my opinion. I ordered a ceaser salad with the truffle fries on the side. Salad was pretty big and I could hardly finish it. I wouldn't say it was spectacular but I wouldn't say it lacked flavour either.
Truffle fries were yum! I would definitely order them again. I really liked how our server brought over lemon water for everyone as soon as each guest showed up, that was a very attentive action on her part.
I also liked how our server never once got frustrated with us as when you have a large group and we're all socializing, we can tend to forget where we are and that someone is waiting to take our order.
The prices are really decent and I don't know what more you could ask for. My salad and fries cane to $20.. that's really cheap especially for the portion sizes.
I would say that for the group sizes that I have to accommodate that I would definitely choose this spot again!
See you soon!