I hate dealing with triumph. They are always rude and non existent when you ask for help even if you are just trying to pay rent. They are impossible to get through to. I'm on my 3rd year and they keep raising our monthly rent but do nothing to upkeep or a reason for the raise. I wasn't even given the correct keys. And have not had one that works since I moved in. I'd definitely would avoid triumph
I got charged $65 because I let a plumber into my home that I was expecting. Apparently the owner also sent a plumber. I most definitely did not expect 2 plumbers. Sorry I let a stranger into my home not approved by triumph and was charged $65 when the next plumber showed up. I thought it was the same company and sent him away. We were both confused. Don't forget it took over 4 weeks and I swear on my children 7 different plumbers before owner was satisfied with cost. The toilet was leaking over the kitchen sink. I was told by several plumbers it could fall through any day. But apparently I did something