Warning: Not for the faint-hearted!
Let me start with the servers. They are really nice. It's a family restaurant and they really take care of diners. The first couple visits we had were great. They would sometimes offer free appetizers. Their serving sizes were huge. Prices were reasonable.
On our last visit, we ordered some chicken curry. It was not as great as the other curries we've had but it was fine. It had a weird jelly looking texture. They also forgot to give us our rice with the curry. We tried to ask for the rice but it got busy so we had to wait (for awhile) until we actually got it.
The next day, my boyfriend and I had diarrhea. It was horrible.
Our first two visits were exceptional, it really set the bar high for them. That's why I was so disappointed with the last one. Plus, the symptoms came at a really bad time for me, I was at work... I had to rush home because it was a pretty bad one and I do not want to stink up the restrooms for everybody.