Not to quote Toby Keith or anything but...I love this bar! There is no cover which is definately a good thing. I got here around 8:45 or so on a Friday night and it was pretty dead, a few people here and there at the bar but pretty empty. The bartender and patrons were friendly though so I didn't mind.
My friends showed up a little bit later and we got a table so that we could have a good view of the band once they started playing. Once it got closer to 9:30-ish it started getting busier and before I knew it the place was full and I had to squeeze through couples to get to the bathroom!
The live bands were awesome and it was nice that the people watching were actually enjoying it and you could tell. It's always more fun when everyone around you is having a good time!
The best (well, one of the best) part of the night was when I went to close out my tab and found out that it was only $3.50 each for my Vodka Red Bulls! This fact was extra astounding to me seeing as how a few nights before I had literally spent twice that on the exact same drink at a bar in Scottsdale! (insert Scottsdale joke here...)