Long story short, I have gone to them for years, every year for my daughters eye glasses. She has horrid vision and it gets worse each year so she HAS to go yearly. They told us today that she had to redo her forms since she hasn't been there in 2 years....um yes she has. So this started a little tizzy with the front desk lady from hell. She insisted it was a failing on my part, not the computers, about the last visit and she did this on several occasions while I was waiting for my daughter to fill out her paper work. I made it very clear that no, in fact she was the one who was mistaken and we had been to this very same store last spring. All I got was a bunch of eye rolls and the holier than thou attitude from her. Anyway after my daughter filled out the paper work I was bringing it up to this wonderfully charming lady, when it dawned on me that we wanted to have the exam for contacts not glasses. She said that that will be $40 more. Well according to our insurance it wouldn't be, I had the benefits documents with me. I argued with her as for the why of the extra expense and she told me for the cost of the contacts fitting. After trying to get a straight answer out of her because that sure wasn't a good answer when our benefits stated otherwise. I asked my daughter if she wanted to put up with this and she said no we can leave. I looked at the lady and said to just forget it and cancel the appointment, we'll go elsewhere. I wonder how much business this lady loses for the company???