If you thought Time Warner Cable was bad, you're in for a real treat here. Terrible customer service. My bill spiked AGAIN with TWC over $20 more a month. I called to get my services reduced since I think $160 is too much for internet and regular cable. They informed me that I had a great deal with my bundle that included phone service! really? I had no idea I had phone service they just gave it to me and were charging me for it for months before i realized it. Anyway, the lady was extremely rude, and in order for me to get a decent rate i had to cut my internet speed, loose half my channels AND gather up and return all their equipment and modems and exchange it for bigger boxes for both TVs. Spectrum is TWC or worse. Oh, and if you want to change anything with your TWC account, the burden is completely on you to get everything switched to spectrum. Asshat company that really doesn't care about anyone and will prove that to you with absolutely no shame