This is not the place I saw myself walking into on a Saturday afternoon for lunch however, me and my sister were craving wings and just happened to be walking by Hooters. Why not give it a shot...upon arrival we were yelled at by a bunch of Hoots welcoming us to Hooters. There seems to be no Hostess stand so I assume they don't take reservations? We were told we could seat anywhere which is always nice and seeing as there weren't many people in the restaurant to begin with we sat by the window in one of there wooden booths. It's too bad we didn't look under the booth as my sister kept stepping on perhaps the last diners roast beef sandwich or burger chunk and lettuce that fell under the booth. -1 for not cleaning under your booths. Menus are at the table so hostess or server brings you any menus. They don't have a drink menu either so I assume they don't care very much about their drink sales or specials. We came for wings so wings we ordered! We were hoping to get 20 wings for 20.99 and have half boneless and the other half regular which most restaurants accommodate however our server told us we were unable to do that therefore we had to order our own 10 wings each. We ordered 10 boneless which were good and had a hint of KFC spices? Think very large KFC chicken popcorn. Nonetheless they were delicious. The other 10 we got were naked with a medium sauce on the side. Those weren't that great, we should have got our wings breaded. Their curly fries came a decent amount for 4.95 and were absolutely DELICIOUS! Our food did take awhile to arrive seeing as there was barely anybody in there. Their plates are questionable 1980 plastic wooden round things..which made the experience weird. They did have paper napkin rolls at each table if you needed more napkins and a crap load of wet naps which was appreciated. One thing we did notice was that refills on pop are $1.29 with exceptions - we weren't charged so it may depend on how much food you order?
Our server was emily and she was decent - she came when needed and let us eat. Another server came around to give us refills instead of her. A really odd thing was when we paid the bill she counted the money infront of us on our table and then said thanks!!! followed by a "oh do you want change?". That made for a super awkward encounter with a server...
Overall, you get what you get by coming here. Don't think you are coming to an upscale Jackastors because you aren't. The food wasn';t too bad but service was slow and the servers seem to be a little inexperienced with polite customer service. There was also some very questionable people walking in and out of the restaurant.