NEVER AGAIN!! I went to cables for a sale. There was probably a line of 40 people. Which is what I expected. I was in line 45 min before the doors open. Around 30 min before the doors open an employee was going around and saying the pistol that was in the flyer was already sold out. How is something sold out before the doors open with only 40 people in line in front of me? The lady said that I can order the pistol online if I still want want it. How can cabelas have a sale on a product and not have enough on hand before the doors even open but you can order it on their website? Obviously people are going to be interested in the sale so why wouldn't they have enough? They should either have enough on hand or not call it a sale and call it a raffle. This just blows my mind and is extremely annoying. I will never pay any attention to any cabelas flyers. There's no point unless you want to camp in front of the store to save a penny. NEVER AGAIN!!!