| - My friends said we were going to Blush that night...
I thought, "What's Blush? A strip club? Yay! Oh noes, it's actually a boutique nightclub...whatever the hell that means..."
I've never heard of it before. So I did what any responsible adult would do before going to an unknown venue...I drank a lot of booze beforehand. Why not. Consuming a bunch of booze will make any place seem fun. Right?
Ok, so for the second time in my life, I was wrong. This place blows! And you know why? Do YOU know why? Well, here's WHY!! I not only drank beforehand, I also drank more while I was in there. So I became uber intoxicated. I got so intoxicated that I had to throw up. After throwing up, I was "escorted" out by one of the bouncers. Thus, ending my night there. You might be thinking, "Well, what the hell were they supposed to do after you threw up? Give you a VIP table?" It would be understandable for kicking someone out for throwing up. I concur. But here's the kicker to my story...I threw up in the toilet!! I didn't throw up at a VIP table or on the dancefloor or at the bar or on a girl's boobies...I threw up IN THE TOILET!! Where else is one allowed to go to throw up then if they aren't allowed to throw up in the toilet???
I hate you, Blush. I should've thrown up on a girl's boobies to make my dismissal more worthwhile...