First, let me let y'all in on a little secret- the ribs here are amazing! Like every time I've made them and brought them to a party I get at least a few people saying they Are the best ribs they've ever had awesome. It's a decent fish market for a landlocked city like Pittsburgh but after living in the DC area and visiting markets in the DMV, I'm afraid I've been a bit spoiled. And I'm not sure why it smells so fishy all of the time- it's not like that at fish markets down my way. It's frequently very crowded because in this are, unless you want to pay Giant Eagle prices for seafood (uhh, no thank you!), this is it. The produce is actually of good quality for being so cheap so take a look at that while stopping in. This is a Pittsburgh tradition so I highly applaud the efforts here, and I do recommend at least taking a walk through if you're in the Strip. Oh, and buy the ribs to make at home, just trust me.