This review is specifically for the Saturday prenatal yoga classes with Erin.
They are fabulous.
I looked forward to every single class. She starts it off by giving us something to think about in our pregnancy, sometimes hands some information out, and we quickly go around the room discussing where we are in our pregnancy and what we think about the topic Erin brings up. This is my first child and I've done lots of research, but I love hearing everyone's thoughts and experiences, especially since there are women in all stages of their pregnancy. When I began here, I was only in my 1st trimester and got to hear some incredible stories from women in the end of their 3rd.
The yoga poses Erin leads us through are invigorating and really help stretch and focus my balance during this crazy belly growing time. When someone mentions that their hips are hurting, she'll be sure to incorporate some hip opening stretches. I really appreciate how much she listens.
Everyone else seems to really enjoy the class as much as I do because the tiny room always seems to be packed, so be sure to reserve your spot and get there early!