Tacos Victor isn't the best. They put French fries in their tacos and that's just whack. They've got a dearth of vegetarian selection. The French fry/bland Métro market Saputo plastic mozzarella/mushroom taco is unpleasantly stodgy. People of the world ! hear me with your heart of hearts when I say to you that, I, your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man doth love and respect the French fry as well as the taco ... but never, ever, should the twain meet. French fry is French fry and taco is taco and never shall the twain meet again in my mouth ever; fo' 'eva'eva. The horchata was also meh. It was rather sweet and tasteless. I want more rice and more true cinnamon in my horchata. Anyway I'm going to hightail it on over to Taco Tijuana on Ouest Sherbs and Royal where the tacos are double the size and half the price! I gots to get my taco on full frontal.