Once again, we used the Groupon to enjoy our date night out. We wound up at Grindburger by accident as somehow my wife purchased the Groupon when her phone was in her purse last week. We figured it was worth a shot. And what a shot it was. We arrived around Seven p.m. and were promptly seated. (Love that) The server was friendly, if not a little dingy. The have $2 Shock Top on tap, so that was a great start. My wife even had one! We ordered off of their scan-tron bubble menu and each ordered a burger and the chicken tenders. The tenders were out quickly and were excellent. That was followed right up by the burgers. I think my wife ate her burger in like five seconds flat. They were really good. The check came some after and we were on our way! (Even though she forgot to take the Groupon off. We had her fix it)
It was just a nice, quick dinner which was exactly what we were looking for.