It's nice to have a place to go to for adjustments without having to go through the hassle with using insurance. The Joint is a quick and easy chiropractic adjustment place with straightforward pricing. It's 19 bucks for your first visit, 29 thereafter. You can go on monthly plans, either 59 a month (no commitment) or 49 a month (6 month commitment).
I go to this location since it's the closest to work and I can go on my lunch break. Wait time around lunch is typically around 15 minutes, sometimes none if I can go early enough. I've gotten to know Dr. Light over the past year and he's a nice guy. Gentle with his adjustments but effective. I've gone to at least 3 other locations in the valley and the doctors can be hit or miss. Every individual doctor has a different style and each doctor can works differently for each individual. I think it's best to find the one that works for you and stick with them.
Overall, The Joint is a solid place to go for a quick adjustment, especially if you're experiencing back pain and need a solution fast. If you have more serious conditions that need therapy in addition to adjustments, I would suggest checking another Chiropractor out.