The gentlemen at Tuffy have become my go to mechanics! The most recent time that I used them, they saved me untold amounts of money and grief! I had been rear ended about a week before and the insurance assessor had noticed what he believed to be a leaking oil pan in addition to the collision damage. After a trip to another shop (whose mechanic could only suggest I take it to a dealer) and finding out that the closest dealer would charge me $175 simply to look at it, I took it to Tuffy. Within a half hour, they had a diagnosis (not my oil pan at all) and found a couple of things that the assessor hadn't even noticed. The price was more than fair for the work that needed to be done and my car was finished by the end of the day. They even gave me a ride home to wait. In addition to that, they are so comitted to customer safety they told me to drive it around for a week than bring it back for a courtesy check to make sure the repairs were holding and to see if they had missed anything. These guys will be my first choice from now on!