| - Punctuality is not her strong point, this is true. But I have never had better results with hair removal than at Cathy's. I HAVE SPENT THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN THE PAST and with only $200 spent at Cathy's I have had 10 times the results. Really, I can't even begin to tell you the difference. Well... OK, maybe I can. Before, after ANY place I have had hair removal, within a couple of days, I would have to shave again. With Cathy, I don't shave until the day before my next appointment and there is barely any hair to shave. I am truely amazed.
I will warn you people though, do not go in there with a fresh tan, your legs will blister. Mine did and now I have white spots all over my legs. But that only happened once, in Sept., after tanning all summer. Since then she has turned up the heat and intensity and there has been no problems. I should have waited until October to start.
For the price and results, this is by far THE BEST VALUE TO SPEND YOUR MONEY!!