POOR POOR POOR POOR MANAGEMENT !!! The manager of this Location is Justine , & she has VERY VERY VERY Bad management , for her team! Apparently there was 2 BRAND NEW hires, and she technically has NO RESPECT for new hires! I ate here for LUNCH & all I heard the whole entire time was her mouth! She needs to realize that she being mean and having NO RESPECT or getting along with her team makes customers like me don't return! I'm calling corporate & they don't even answer, what kind of company is this??? She needs to be replaced and I am gonna make sure she gets terminated. I run a better management then she does!
I asked for my Receipt and she had an attitude. No respect at all. I feel bad for your team . My heart goes out to them for dealing with people like you!!!
Sorry Justine! But you have BAD MANAGEMENT, seems like you don't give a shit about your team especially for new hires. I'll come in and teach you how to manage a franchisee with your team cause you SUCK at it. You either need to drop your position for somebody who's better at it OR drop down to a hourly position .
Your ATTITUDE effects others. Think about it !!!!