| - Where to start? Oh yeah, once again, the positive reviews brought me here all the way from Laval on the hunt for the best Pho. Had to try it bcs one of them said that this place rivals the spots found on Côte-des-Neiges if not better, yes better, with their "rich" and flavourful broth. Whoop, voilà, the keyword Harry was looking for and to which he was sold on thinking he's on his way finding a hidden gem.
I can give the overall place's cleanliness, modern looks and good service a 5 star. It has nothing to do with the dated decors and the mediocre service of the ones I've been to including my #1 spot Pho Ngon. But you know what? Within a minute after sitting down while waiting for my soup to arrive, some strange feeling inside told me this is not what "authentic" looks like. It's too modernish, too clean, waiter too nice.... May be I got too used to slurping Pho at not so fancy places that gives them their special allure?
Now onto the Pho which supposedly is "rich". With big enthusiasm, I let my nose do the judging of the meat in there. Any fowl smell? Nope, all smelling normal and a bit bland. Hek, it's good to go, I'm hungry. I dig my spoon in there to taste the broth first. Hmmm, must've been the wrong spot of the bowl because "rich" did certainly not knock on my tastebuds. Ok, let's try the north side of the bowl, nope not there either. Perhaps southeast and then southwest of the bowl? No, no and no anywhere! "Rich" did not come with my soup, instead, I got a watered down lower middle class version of the "rich" with a hint of Pho. What? Grrrr, those cunning reviews again!!
So conclusion, if you prefer your Pho on the mild side with less pronounced broth, yeah, it's a good clean place to try if you happened to be around the neighbourhood of West Island. For me tho, it was not worth the drive. I'd rather eat at either Nguyen Phi or Pho Ngon. Cheers.