Personally I don't know what people see in this store, it's just low quality garments being charged way over price. I would never pay a hundred bucks for a pair of jeans with holes all over the place, but that's just me.
When you walk into the store they have "greeters" that stand outside and scan everyone who walks into the store. It's so busy and there is absolutely no place to move around in the store not to mention that forgot the lights in this store. How are you suppose to shop in the dark?
All the clothes are stacked on shelves which I find extremely hard to shop with everything just piled on shelves, and especially when there is no lighting.
The perfume they spray in this store makes you think maybe you are in a perfume warehouse and become lost in all this darkness.
Even if you wanted to buy something from this store, the lines are always out of wack and you will be waiting a while...