| - Dear Lola Coffee.
You're like that ex-girlfriend one keeps going back to after the breakup is long past. You know the kind, the kind that keeps coming back begging for "another" second chance, saying she's sorry, saying she'll change, saying things will be different this time. And you, you take her back again, not because you think this time will be different, but because deep down you're still in love with her and when you're together it's "Oh-So-Good". But just about the time you really want her, really need her...Poof...She's gone. Leaving you with another broken heart and lying there in a puddle of heartache and salty tears next to an empty bottle of John Daniels wondering when, no if, if you'll ever see her again.
Lola Coffee, I love you! You're great! You're amazing! You're everything I'd ever want in a coffee shop; great coffee, amazing pastries, and awesome and friendly barista's. If I were single and you were a girl, you'd be my type. But there's just this one little thing we're going to have to fix if this relationship were to work. You see, I need you to be OPEN when I want coffee. I work during the day. I'd love the stop in at 10:30 for a nice steaming cup of your morning brew. But I work across town, and someone has to earn a living. After work, I'm tired. I'm hungry. I go home and have a nice dinner. It's then around 8:30, or 9:00 that I'd love to come in and have a cup or two, snuggle up with a good book or my laptop and do what people do in coffee shops. But every time I'm out and about and think about dropping by, you're CLOSED!
If only you'd stay open until, say, 10:00 every night, I'm sure that with Hula's, and Maizie's next door, you'd have plenty of business to make it profitable. Not to mention the fact that you'd make one, actually two, coffee lovers very happy.
With heartfelt love,
A secret admirer