Oh Nunthaporn's, why you so good? Love this place. My friends and I go all the time for lunch on Saturday. They have a great lunch special menu. I always get the Pad Thai and my friends get the Cashew Chicken. For $7.50 you get a bowl of soup, some wontons, and a spring roll to start. Then you pick your entree. The soup is a simple broth with some veggies. Light and easy. The spring rolls are so good. Fried to perfection. The Pad Thai is the best I've ever had. The rice noodles are tossed in a delicious peanut sauce. Mixed with onion, bean sprouts, tofu, and your choice of meat (I always get the chicken). They always give you a huge portion which is great. You can take almost half of it home with you.
This is just a nice place for lunch or dinner. It's clean, the service is great and fast, and it's right off Main Street. Also, they have a lunch punch card. Once you get 10 lunches, you get a free one! Pretty cool.