Terribly disappointing staff. I would certainly not recommend seeing Brandy for laser hair removal.
Before purchasing a LivingSocial deal, I called to verify that my treatment areas would be acceptable. The receptionist assured me that it wouldn't be a problem. However, it was a problem.
When I arrived in the treatment room, and before even finishing my story, Brandy was suggesting I pay more. She did assess the situation and determined that *shocker* I would have to pay more. But she didn't even look at the 5 arm hairs I asked to be included. She curtly assured me I was not within the correct parameters of the treatment zone.
And that's fine, I understand business. Clearly this place needs a boost, thus the LivingSocial deal. But isn't one of the easiest ways to build new clients positive word of mouth and customer service? That couldn't be farther from the case.
Had I been treated differently, I might have even paid the additional amount!
I can't attest to services performed or other staff, but I was terribly disappointed by the very defensive and curt behavior of their aesthetician Brandy.
Thankfully, LivingSocial handled the situation professional, quickly and very courteously. Unlike the Institute.