I went to Denny's Craig and Tenaya tonight to get a salad. It was 9:10 PM. Two tables had people eating and I was only one in line. The Host, or Manager, whatever he was, made me wait to be seated. Apparently you have to be seated to order a to-go meal. After 15 minutes of being ignored I went and sat at the counter. Host or whoever still is ignoring me. I had to get a menu from another server. About 9:40 he decides to finally take my order. I order a chicken ceasar's salad. I finally get it at 10:05. I've been there an hour now for a take-out salad. Once I get my salad I go to the register to pay but the same idiot host is working the register. I wait at the register for over 10 minutes and the guy is still ignoring me. So I left the salad at the register and left. I wish I could really say what I think of this guy on here! DO NOT EAT HERE! VERY VERY POOR SERVICE.