| - Most of the products are "made for outlet" and noticeably inferior quality compared to full-price store products. Therefore, you're not really getting a good deal for the $200 bag that supposedly retailed for "$400," because that bag was never meant to be sold for anything more than $200. The leather is different and the styles are different.
The sales associates are extremely pushy when it comes to making a sale. They are also very rude and accusatory if you ever decide to return something. I bought a bag and changed my mind the next day (see above reasons) and decided to return it, unused of course. The tags were still on, I had my receipt, and the bag was clearly unused since I had purchased it Monday night and was returning it Tuesday. The sales associate made a big show out of inspecting the bag and asked me "why the bag was dirty" and "did you happen to use it??". Um. Well. You tell me why you sold me a bag that is dirty. And you explain what use I could have had for a giant tote bag on a Monday night if I was somebody who wanted to use something and return it.
The sales associate was completely unprofessional and I am decidedly never buying anything from that store again. If I'm dropping a few hundred dollars on a bag, I expect at least the service you get any mall store. I'd rather spend a little more for better quality at a full-price store and not be accused of returning a used bag, or better yet, just wait for a good sale at Dillards! Dillards has a "take an additional 50% off sale items" every New Year's Day and similar sales throughout the year. I've gotten Coach bags at Dillards for $150, which is both cheaper and better quality than the "made for outlet" crap that they sell here. Also, if you've ever bought a coach bag before, they regularly send you coupons for 30% off full price or $100 an item. Doesn't make sense to put up with crap both service and quality-wise at the outlet.