| - It should have been one of the best moments of the night. Markus Schulz was about to drop Super8 & Tab's amazing remix of Paul Van Dyk's Nothing But You (, and the three of us that flew in from San Francisco, after having to endure a terrible opening DJ, were ready to go.
Next thing you know some acrobat/performance artist starts dangling from the ceiling. Security cleared people out from a major part of the dance floor. Everyone stood watching. iPhones were out recording. No one paid any attention to Markus. The moment was ruined.
That pretty much sums up Rain. A Jersey Shore inspired crowd doing pretty much everything but dancing. This includes pushing, throwing back expensive drinks, standing there, smoking, wearing Ed Hardy, texting, making out, smoking more, you name it.
And the venue didn't help. More VIP space than dance floor space, mediocre sound system, visuals that seemed more appropriate for Cirque du Soleil.
I needed a drink just to get through the night. And by the end of it, I smelled like an ashtray. (Not so) good times.
Markus played for only two hours, and I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to spin here either, and I won't be back to dance.