| - This is your fairly typical gringo Mexican place. I say this as someone who is very much a gringo.
To talk about what was good, I sort of have to cover where there's room for improvement first. It'll make more sense that way.
* The first cup I received for my drink had a huge crack all the way down the side of it that leaked Coca-Cola all over the table. I really don't know how they missed this one, but it was about one firm grasp from giving a guest an unexpected shower.
* The men's room could use some attention. It didn't look like it was dirty, so much as that it needed a bit of maintenance. I have a couple of pictures I plan to upload, but I'm not sure they do the scene justice. The sealant attaching the urinals to the walls has begun to peel and the porcelain itself is discolored. There is a sheet of mirrored stainless steel that has, over the years, become tarnished and hazy by age and presumably some less-than-gentle washings. Covering most of that mirror was a half filled-out world cup bracket (at this point the tournament has been over for more than a month) declaring Mexico the winner (nope). My fiancée reported a similar condition in the women's room.
* The service was...Abrupt? Curt? Brusque? You know what I'm trying to say. It's not that either the hostess, the guy who brought chips, or the server were rude--they weren't--but neither were they particularly hospitable. Requests, questions, etc were--whenever possible--met simply with emotionless, quick, monosyllabic affirmations.
* The food came out disconcertingly quick. I recognize that this is a weird thing to bring up as a negative, but understand that the time from placing our order to the food arriving was probably less than 10 minutes. Being quick is great, but even Applebee's isn't that quick and they just microwave things. In fairness to the restaurant, Mexican food lends itself well to being put in a pot and kept heated, then served out as necesarry and I'm sure that is what happened. Their menu states that their food is made fresh daily, but I've frozen burrito filling I've made at home and gotten the same exact texture as what I was served here so I would question that bit.
The positive, and there is some:
* For a quick burrito that I suspect was frozen that morning, it was actually pretty good. The flavors were all well blended and the result was something I was happy to eat. I ordered a burrito that was covered in a delicious cheesy, creamy sauce (the Rio something, I don't remember). That cheese has just the right texture and flavor to complement the burrito and I can't recommend it highly enough. It might be a bit heavy if you're not into cheese though.
* The fresh salsa brought to the table had good flavor. It wasn't as hot as I'd like for myself, but when I'm with my better half I'm used to compromising on hotness, so it was okay (even though I'm coming down with a cold and I was hoping to find a food that would clear out my sinuses!).
* The prices were outstanding. I would have expected to pay 1.5x the price of what they charge for any of their dishes at most restaurants. With certain lunch specials you can eat for a little over $5, more if you get a drink. That's just wonderful.
Ultimately, I'd recommend this place to friends and family who I know aren't ready for a "real" Mexican experience. It is what it is, and the food is tasty enough. 3/5.