The Kelly Strayhorn is a good idea which is poorly executed. The facility has problems: the stairs on the house are too narrow causing trips, the bathrooms don't really have the capacity for over 300 patrons, etc.
Beyond the facility you get to the actual 'poorly executed' idea. The staff is extremely un-knowledgeable about the subjects they are producing. For instance none of the programmers on staff have any training in performing arts, they are all visual arts people playing at another field. As a result they don't even know what they are really producing and any experienced person in the field can tell.
The sad part about this is they REALLY try. They throw staff and new ideas at every opportunity. Don't expect great performances here, expect a talked up mediocre performance.
Audience follows content and they don't have content or the staff that is knowledgeable enough to know better. Check back in in a couple of years. This apple is too green to eat much less pay for.