As a kid I was severely traumatized by my cousin getting a brush caught in my hair and than chopping it off, but not after putting Vaseline, butter and shampoo in my hair to "attempt loosening the brush- with a failed attempt".
Since then I avoid Hair salons until my ends are fried, and all I can do it place my hair in a ponytail (we've all been there). Any who I was sceptical about letting a stranger cut my hair and colour it. Saturday I had an appointment with MARY who is very approachable, friendly and most importantly listens to what I want and don't like about my hair.
So first she coloured it red 2 shades. And then offered a hand massage in-between. She even went out of her way to find cotton balls for my ears (which are sensitive) and was very gentle when cleaning my hair and giving me a head massage, I was very comfortable in the dark and serene décor. She talked me through the entire process. And because I'm painfully shy she offered me PEOPLE magazine to read while styling my hair. It's like she knew I wasn't a very talkative person. Plus I'm a low speaker- my voice can barely raise over hair blow dryers and the radio.
The outcome was phenomenal. I received plenty of compliments from the staff (however I get the impression that's part of the job entitlement). The cost was $189. I was prepared to pay a large amount, I base salons on price- You get what you pay for. The more expensive the better the quality. I gave her a nice tip. And base on my first experience I will return.