Hemenway Park is a place I often stop in the summer especially with friends from out of town so I can show them the wild bighorn sheep that like to come down from the hills and eat some of the nice grass in the park or just chill in the shade of the trees when its in the 100s.
Our hiking group stops here for our après hike snacks and drinks. There are several pavilions with metal picnic tables. There used to be a water fountain for the public, but Boulder City removed it because the bighorn had learned to get drinks of water and it created a health hazard for children who are often in the park playing.
We were at the park once when the Nevada Division of Wildlife was darting the bighorn and when they went down, they took blood samples, weighed them, and did other medical tests. Collars were attached and the bighorn's brief captivity ended with an antibiotic shot and a reversal shot for their dart sedative. It was like being part of a National Geographic special.
From the park, you have a great vista of Lake Mead and the marina area. This is a great spot to stop and just chill for awhile or look for the animals. It is so worth the stop!