| - I want to keep loving AJ's, I really do. I've been shopping at this location for 15 years and until recently, have loved it. On my last few visits I've left shaking my head.
Butcher could not even answer basic questions about rack of lamb or butterflied leg of lamb. Not even an "I'll ask someone", but instead "I don't really know anything about lamb. Ok, fine.
On to the Bistro to order a sandwich. 1pm on a Friday, the place was jammed with people waiting for their orders - many of them getting impatient. I placed my order, and joined the others to wait, and wait... Orders were incredibly slow coming out, way more so than I've ever experienced here. Finally several orders came out, but just sat on a counter. A customer brought them to the attention of the person working the counter and she said "those aren't for customers, they are for our chef's (employees)". What? In the middle of lunchtime you put all customer orders on hold while you make a bunch of lunches for your own employees? Sure enough, that's what was going on. The customer comes last. One by one, employees stopping by to pick up their "chef entree". Lots of apologies were made to customers for the extremely long wait. From start to finish it was a 25 minute wait for a sandwich. And when I got back to the office and opened it up, my order wasn't even right. Not even close.